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    Digital Behavior Change Interventions for Younger Children With Chronic Health Conditions: Systematic Review


    • Amberly Brigden  
    • Emma Anderson  
    • Catherine Linney  
    • Richard Morris  
    • Roxanne Parslow  
    • Teona Serafimova  
    • Lucie Smith  
    • Emily Briggs  
    • Maria Loades  
    • Esther Crawley  


    Background: The prevalence of chronic health conditions in childhood is increasing, and behavioral interventions can support the management of these conditions. Compared with face-to-face treatment, the use of digital interventions may be more cost-effective, appealing, and accessible, but there has been inadequate attention to their use with younger populations (children aged 5-12 years). 国内苹果怎么上twitter This systematic review aims to (1) identify effective digital interventions, (2) report the characteristics of promising interventions, and (3) describe the user’s experience of the digital intervention. Methods: A total of 4 databases were searched (Excerpta Medica Database [EMBASE], PsycINFO, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online [MEDLINE], and the Cochrane Library) between January 2014 and January 2023. The inclusion criteria for studies were as follows: (1) children aged between 5 and 12 years, (2) interventions for behavior change, (3) randomized controlled trials, (4) digital interventions, and (5) chronic health conditions. Two researchers independently double reviewed papers to assess eligibility, extract data, and assess quality. Results: Searches run in the databases identified 2643 papers. We identified 17 eligible interventions. The most promising interventions (having a beneficial effect and low risk of bias) were 3 targeting overweight or obesity, using exergaming or social media, and 2 for anxiety, using web-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Characteristics of promising interventions included gaming features, therapist support, and parental involvement. Most were purely behavioral interventions (rather than CBT or third wave), typically using the behavior change techniques (BCTs) feedback and monitoring, shaping knowledge, repetition and substitution, and 国内上twitter教程. Three papers included qualitative data on the user’s experience. We developed the following themes: ios上推特教程, connection with a health professional is important for engagement, technological affordances and barriers, and child-centered design. Conclusions: Of the 17 eligible interventions, digital interventions for anxiety and overweight or obesity had the greatest promise. Using qualitative methods during digital intervention development and evaluation may lead to more meaningful, usable, feasible, and engaging interventions, especially for this underresearched younger population. The following characteristics could be considered when developing digital interventions for younger children: involvement of parents, gaming features, additional therapist support, behavioral (rather than cognitive) approaches, and particular BCTs (feedback and monitoring, shaping knowledge, repetition and substitution, and reward). This review suggests a model for improving the conceptualization and reporting of behavioral interventions involving children and parents.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e16924
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  • Source: Unsplash.com; Copyright: Steve Johnson; URL: http://unsplash.com/photos/wpw8sHoBtSY; License: Licensed by the authors.

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    Authors List:

    • Yulin Hswen  
    • Amanda Zhang  
    • Kara C Sewalk  
    • Gaurav Tuli  
    • John S Brownstein  
    • Jared B Hawkins  


    Background: Discrimination in the health care system contributes to worse health outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) patients. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine disparities in patient experience among LGBTQ persons using social media data. Methods: We collected patient experience data from Twitter from February 2013 to February 2017 in the United States. We compared the sentiment of patient experience tweets between Twitter users who self-identified as LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ. The effect of state-level partisan identity on patient experience sentiment and differences between LGBTQ users and non-LGBTQ users were analyzed. Results: We observed lower (more negative) patient experience sentiment among 13,689 LGBTQ users compared to 1,362,395 non-LGBTQ users. Increasing state-level liberal political identification was associated with higher patient experience sentiment among all users but had stronger effects for LGBTQ users. Conclusions: Our findings highlight that social media data can yield insights about patient experience for LGBTQ persons and suggest that a state-level sociopolitical environment influences patient experience for this group. Efforts are needed to reduce disparities in patient care for LGBTQ persons while taking into context the effect of the political climate on these inequities.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e17087
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    • Yang Xiang  
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    • Yujia Zhou  
    • Fang Li  
    • Jingcheng Du  
    • Laila Rasmy  
    • Stephen Wu  
    • W Jim Zheng  
    • Hua Xu  
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    • Yaoyun Zhang  
    • Cui Tao  


    Background: Asthma exacerbation is an acute or subacute episode of progressive worsening of asthma symptoms and can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. However, efficient methods that can help identify personalized risk factors and make early predictions are lacking. 国内iphone怎么上推特 This study aims to use advanced deep learning models to better predict the risk of asthma exacerbations and to explore potential risk factors involved in progressive asthma. Methods: We proposed a novel time-sensitive, attentive neural network to predict asthma exacerbation using clinical variables from large electronic health records. The clinical variables were collected from the Cerner Health Facts database between 1992 and 2015, including 31,433 adult patients with asthma. Interpretations on both patient and cohort levels were investigated based on the model parameters. Results: The proposed model obtained an area under the curve value of 0.7003 through a five-fold cross-validation, which outperformed the baseline methods. The results also demonstrated that the addition of elapsed time embeddings considerably improved the prediction performance. Further analysis observed diverse distributions of contributing factors across patients as well as some possible cohort-level risk factors, which could be found supporting evidence from peer-reviewed literature such as respiratory diseases and esophageal reflux. Conclusions: The proposed neural network model performed better than previous methods for the prediction of asthma exacerbation. We believe that personalized risk scores and analyses of contributing factors can help clinicians better assess the individual’s level of disease progression and afford the opportunity to adjust treatment, prevent exacerbation, and improve outcomes.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e16981
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    Effectiveness of Technology-Enabled Knowledge Translation Strategies in Improving the Use of Research in Public Health: Systematic Review

    Authors List:

    • Alison Brown  
    • Courtney Barnes  
    • Judith Byaruhanga  
    • Matthew McLaughlin  
    • Rebecca K Hodder  
    • Debbie Booth  
    • Nicole Nathan  
    • Rachel Sutherland  
    • Luke Wolfenden  


    Background: Knowledge translation (KT) aims to facilitate the use of research evidence in decision making. Changes in technology have provided considerable opportunities for KT strategies to improve access and use of evidence in decision making by public health policy makers and practitioners. Despite this opportunity, there have been no reviews that have assessed the effects of digital technology-enabled KT (TEKT) in the field of public health. Objective: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of digital TEKT strategies in (1) improving the capacity for evidence-based decision making by public health policy makers and practitioners, (2) changing public health policy or practice, and (3) changes in individual or population health outcomes. 国内苹果怎么上twitter A search strategy was developed to identify randomized trials assessing the effectiveness of digital TEKT strategies in public health. Any primary research study with a randomized trial design was eligible. Searches for eligible studies were undertaken in multiple electronic bibliographic databases (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online [MEDLINE], Excerpta Medica dataBASE [EMBASE], PsycINFO, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature [CINAHL], and Scopus) and the reference lists of included studies. A hand search of 2 journals (Implementation Science and Journal of Medical Internet Research) and a gray literature search were also conducted. Pairs of independent review authors screened studies, assessed the risk of bias, and extracted data from relevant studies. 国内iphone怎么上推特 Of the 6819 citations screened, 8 eligible randomized trials were included in the review. The studies examined the impact of digital TEKT strategies on health professionals, including nurses, child care health consultants, physiotherapists, primary health care workers, and public health practitioners. Overall, 5 of the interventions were web-training programs. The remaining 3 interventions included simulation games, access to digital resource materials and the use of tailored messaging, and a web-based registry. The findings suggest that digital TEKT interventions may be effective in improving the knowledge of public health professionals, relative to control, and may be as effective as a face-to-face KT approach. The effectiveness of digital TEKT strategies relative to a control or other digital KT interventions on measures of health professional self-efficacy to use evidence to enhance practice behavior or behavioral intention outcomes was mixed. The evidence regarding the effects on changes to health policy or practice following exposure to digital TEKT was mixed. No trials assessed the effects on individual or population-level health outcomes. Conclusions: This review is the first to synthesize the effectiveness of digital TEKT interventions in a public health setting. Despite its potential, relatively few trials have been undertaken to investigate the impacts of digital TEKT interventions. The findings suggest that although a digital TEKT intervention may improve knowledge, the effects of such interventions on other outcomes are equivocal.

    • J Med Internet Res 国内苹果怎么上twitter;22(7):e17274
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    Authors List:

    • Heidi Eccles  
    • Molly Nannarone  
    • Bonnie Lashewicz  
    • Mark Attridge  
    • Alain Marchand  
    • Alice Aiken  
    • Kendall Ho  
    • Jianli Wang  


    Background: The prevalence of depression is high and has been stable despite increased treatment, research, and dissemination. People encounter barriers to seeking traditional mental health services, which could be mitigated by using web-based prevention methods. Objective: This study aims to understand what people at high risk for depression perceive as effective aspects of web-based mental health programs and what motivates people at high risk for depression to use web-based mental health programs. ios上推特教程 We conducted an inductive content analysis using telephone interview data from 77 participants at high risk for depression who were recruited from 2 randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Participants from the first RCT were working men who had been randomly assigned to 1 of the following 3 groups: control group, who had access to general depression information from a website called BroMatters; intervention group 1, who had access to the BroMatters website along with the associated BroHealth web-based mental health program; and intervention group 2, who had access to the BroMatters website, the BroHealth web-based mental health program, and telephone sessions with a life coach. Participants from the second RCT were men and women who had been assigned to the intervention group, who received access to the HardHat web-based mental health program, or the control group, who only received access to the HardHat web-based mental health program following completion of the RCT. Participants for this inductive content analysis study were recruited from the intervention groups in both RCTs. Two groups of participants (n=41 and n=20) were recruited from the BroHealth RCT, and a third group comprised 16 participants that were recruited from the HardHat RCT. 国内苹果怎么上twitter We generated four categories regarding the perceived effectiveness of web-based programs and five categories related to what motivates the use of web-based programs. Participants identified awareness, program medium and functionality, program content, and coaches as categories related to the effectiveness of the programs. Categories of motivators to use web-based programs included providing reminders or incentives, promotion of the programs, providing appropriate medium and functionality, appropriate content, and perceived need. The final category related to motivators reflects perceptions of participants who were either unsure about what motivates them or believed that there is no way to motivate use. Conclusions: Conflicting evidence was obtained regarding the perceived effectiveness of aspects of the content and functionality of web-based programs. In general, web-based mental health programs were perceived to help increase mental health awareness, especially when it includes live access to a coach. However, the results also revealed that it is difficult to motivate people to begin using web-based mental health programs. Strategies that may motivate the use of such programs include perceived personal need, effective promotion, providing incentives and reminders, and improving functionality.

    • 国内上twitter教程 2023;22(7):e16961
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  • Source: Freepik; Copyright: Freepik; URL: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/teens-sitting-stairs-working-phones-laptop_5704867.htm#page=1&query=teens%20laptops&position=0; License: Licensed by JMIR.

    Participatory Interventions for Sexual Health Promotion for Adolescents and Young Adults on the Internet: Systematic Review


    • Philippe Martin  
    • Lorraine Cousin  
    • Serge Gottot  
    • Aurelie Bourmaud  
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    • Corinne Alberti  


    Background: The World Health Organization recommends the development of participatory sexuality education. In health promotion, web-based participatory interventions have great potential in view of the internet’s popularity among young people. Objective: The aim of this review is to describe existing published studies on online participatory intervention methods used to promote the sexual health of adolescents and young adults. Methods: We conducted a systematic review based on international scientific and grey literature. We used the PubMed search engine and Aurore database for the search. Articles were included if they reported studies on participatory intervention, included the theme of sexual health, were conducted on the internet (website, social media, online gaming system), targeted populations aged between 10 and 24 years, and had design, implementation, and evaluation methods available. We analyzed the intervention content, study implementation, and evaluation methods for all selected articles. 苹果手机上推特教程 A total of 60 articles were included, which described 37 interventions; several articles were published about the same intervention. Process results were published in many articles (n=40), in contrast to effectiveness results (n=23). Many of the 37 interventions were developed on websites (n=20). The second most used medium is online social networks (n=13), with Facebook dominating this group (n=8). Online peer interaction is the most common participatory component promoted by interventions (n=23), followed by interaction with a professional (n=16). Another participatory component is game-type activity (n=10). Videos were broadcast for more than half of the interventions (n=20). In total, 43% (n=16) of the interventions were based on a theoretical model, with many using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model (n=7). Less than half of the interventions have been evaluated for effectiveness (n=17), while one-third (n=12) reported plans to do so and one-fifth (n=8) did not indicate any plan for effectiveness evaluation. The randomized controlled trial is the most widely used study design (n=16). Among the outcomes (evaluated or planned for evaluation), sexual behaviors are the most evaluated (n=14), followed by condom use (n=11), and sexual health knowledge (n=8). Conclusions: Participatory online interventions for young people’s sexual health have shown their feasibility, practical interest, and attractiveness, but their effectiveness has not yet been sufficiently evaluated. Online peer interaction, the major participatory component, is not sufficiently conceptualized and defined as a determinant of change or theoretical model component. One potential development would be to build a conceptual model integrating online peer interaction and support as a component.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e15378
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  • Source: rawpixel.com; Copyright: rawpixel.com; URL: http://www.rawpixel.com/image/2297652/free-photo-image-doctor-hospital-mirror; License: Licensed by the authors.

    Multiple Epidemic Wave Model of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Modeling Study

    Authors List:

    • Efthimios Kaxiras  
    • Georgios Neofotistos  


    Background: Intervention measures have been implemented around the world to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Understanding the dynamics of the disease spread and the effectiveness of the interventions is essential in predicting its future evolution. Objective: The aim of this study is to simulate the effect of different social distancing interventions and investigate whether their timing and stringency can lead to multiple waves (subepidemics), which can provide a better fit to the wavy behavior observed in the infected population curve in the majority of countries. Methods: We have designed and run agent-based simulations and a multiple wave model to fit the infected population data for many countries. We have also developed a novel Pandemic Response Index to provide a quantitative and objective way of ranking countries according to their COVID-19 response performance. 苹果手机上推特教程 We have analyzed data from 18 countries based on the multiple wave (subepidemics) hypothesis and present the relevant parameters. Multiple waves have been identified and were found to describe the data better. The effectiveness of intervention measures can be inferred by the peak intensities of the waves. Countries imposing fast and stringent interventions exhibit multiple waves with declining peak intensities. This result strongly corroborated with agent-based simulations outcomes. We also provided an estimate of how much lower the number of infections could have been if early and strict intervention measures had been taken to stop the spread at the first wave, as actually happened for a handful of countries. A novel index, the Pandemic Response Index, was constructed, and based on the model’s results, an index value was assigned to each country, quantifying in an objective manner the country’s response to the pandemic. 苹果手机上推特教程 Our results support the hypothesis that the COVID-19 pandemic can be successfully modeled as a series of epidemic waves (subepidemics) and that it is possible to infer to what extent the imposition of early intervention measures can slow the spread of the disease.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e20912
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  • Source: Freepik; Copyright: jcomp; URL: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/men-women-wear-masks-use-laptop-search-books-library_9295279.htm; License: Licensed by JMIR.

    pythonista3都能做什么-Python教程-PHP中文网:2021-7-9 · Pythonista3是一个完整的Python脚本环境,可直接在iPad或iPhone上运行。它包括对Python 3.6和2.7的支持,因此您可伍使用Python 3中的所有语言改进,同时仍然具有2.7可用于向后兼容性。

    Authors List:

    • Henry C Cousins  
    • Clara C Cousins  
    • Alon Harris  
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    Background: Timely allocation of medical resources for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) requires early detection of regional outbreaks. Internet browsing data may predict case outbreaks in local populations that are yet to be confirmed. Objective: We investigated whether search-engine query patterns can help to predict COVID-19 case rates at the state and metropolitan area levels in the United States. Methods: We used regional confirmed case data from the New York Times and Google Trends results from 50 states and 166 county-based designated market areas (DMA). We identified search terms whose activity precedes and correlates with confirmed case rates at the national level. We used univariate regression to construct a composite explanatory variable based on best-fitting search queries offset by temporal lags. We measured the raw and z-transformed Pearson correlation and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the explanatory variable with out-of-sample case rate data at the state and DMA levels. Results: Predictions were highly correlated with confirmed case rates at the state (mean r=0.69, 95% CI 0.51-0.81; median RMSE 1.27, IQR 1.48) and DMA levels (mean r=0.51, 95% CI 0.39-0.61; median RMSE 4.38, IQR 1.80), using search data available up to 10 days prior to confirmed case rates. They fit case-rate activity in 49 of 50 states and in 103 of 166 DMA at a significance level of .05. Conclusions: Identifiable patterns in search query activity may help to predict emerging regional outbreaks of COVID-19, although they remain vulnerable to stochastic changes in search intensity.

    • 国内上twitter教程 2023;22(7):苹果手机上推特教程
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  • Source: The authors / Shutterstock; Copyright: The Authors; URL: http://www.c59oj8.wcbzw.com/2023/7/e18839/; License: Licensed by JMIR.

    iPhone上利用Documents下载和管理视频教程 - 人人都是自媒体:2021-11-29 · iPhone上利用Documents下载和管理视频教程 - 根据本图文教程录制的视频教程:教您如何下载微博秒拍里的视频到手机相册、教您如何下载今日头条里的短视频到手机相册 苹果手机有个痛点,就是不支持文件管理。对于那些需要在移动端处理文档或者说整理文件的朋友来说,没有文件管理这个功能 …


    • Debaleena Chattopadhyay  
    • Tengteng Ma  
    • Hasti Sharifi  
    • Pamela Martyn-Nemeth  


    Background: Virtual humans (VH) are computer-generated characters that appear humanlike and simulate face-to-face conversations using verbal and nonverbal cues. Unlike formless conversational agents, like smart speakers or chatbots, VH bring together the capabilities of both a conversational agent and an interactive avatar (computer-represented digital characters). Although their use in patient-facing systems has garnered substantial interest, it is unknown to what extent VH are effective in health applications. Objective: The purpose of this review was to examine the effectiveness of VH in patient-facing systems. The design and implementation characteristics of these systems were also examined. Methods: Electronic bibliographic databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles with relevant key terms. Studies were included in the systematic review if they designed or evaluated VH in patient-facing systems. Of the included studies, studies that used a randomized controlled trial to evaluate VH were included in the meta-analysis; they were then summarized using the PICOTS framework (population, intervention, comparison group, outcomes, time frame, setting). Summary effect sizes, using random-effects models, were calculated, and the risk of bias was assessed. Results: Among the 8,125 unique records identified, 53 articles describing 33 unique systems, were qualitatively, systematically reviewed. Two distinct design categories emerged — simple VH and VH augmented with health sensors and trackers. Of the 53 articles, 16 (26 studies) with 44 primary and 22 secondary outcomes were included in the meta-analysis. Meta-analysis of the 44 primary outcome measures revealed a significant difference between intervention and control conditions, favoring the VH intervention (SMD = .166, 95% CI .039-.292, P=.012), but with evidence of some heterogeneity, I2=49.3%. There were more cross-sectional (k=15) than longitudinal studies (k=11). The intervention was delivered using a personal computer in most studies (k=18), followed by a tablet (k=4), mobile kiosk (k=2), head-mounted display (k=1), and a desktop computer in a community center (k=1). Conclusions: We offer evidence for the efficacy of VH in patient-facing systems. Considering that studies included different population and outcome types, more focused analysis is needed in the future. Future studies also need to identify what features of virtual human interventions contribute toward their effectiveness.

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    Technology-Enabled Self-Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With or Without Asynchronous Remote Monitoring: Randomized Controlled Trial


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    • Elizabeth Lalingo  
    • Angelica Cheung  
    • Adam Erwood  
    • Maria Radina  
    • Allen Greenwald  
    • Payal Agarwal  
    • Aman Sidhu  
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    • James Shaw  
    • Roshan Shafai  
    • Onil Bhattacharyya  


    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of mortality and leads to frequent hospital admissions and emergency department (ED) visits. COPD exacerbations are an important patient outcome, and reducing their frequency would result in significant cost savings. Remote monitoring and self-monitoring could both help patients manage their symptoms and reduce the frequency of exacerbations, but they have different resource implications and have not been directly compared. 国内上twitter教程 This study aims to compare the effectiveness of implementing a technology-enabled self-monitoring program versus a technology-enabled remote monitoring program in patients with COPD compared with a standard care group. Methods: We conducted a 3-arm randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of a remote monitoring and a self-monitoring program relative to standard care. Patients with COPD were recruited from outpatient clinics and a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Patients in both interventions used a Bluetooth-enabled device kit to monitor oxygen saturation, blood pressure, temperature, weight, and symptoms, but only patients in the remote monitoring group were monitored by a respiratory therapist. All patients were assessed at baseline and at 3 and 6 months after program initiation. Outcomes included self-management skills, as measured by the Partners in Health (PIH) Scale; patient symptoms measured with the St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ); and the Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire (BCKQ). Patients were also asked to self-report on health system use, and data on health use were collected from the hospital. Results: A total of 122 patients participated in the study: 40 in the standard care, 41 in the self-monitoring, and 41 in the remote monitoring groups. Although all 3 groups improved in PIH scores, BCKQ scores, and SGRQ impact scores, there were no significant differences among any of the groups. No effects were observed on the SGRQ activity or symptom scores or on hospitalizations, ED visits, or clinic visits. 国内iphone怎么上推特 Despite regular use of the technology, patients with COPD assigned to remote monitoring or self-monitoring did not have any improvement in patient outcomes such as self-management skills, knowledge, or symptoms, or in health care use compared with each other or with a standard care group. This may be owing to low health care use at baseline, the lack of structured educational components in the intervention groups, and the lack of integration of the action plan with the technology. 苹果手机上推特教程 ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03741855; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ NCT03741855

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):ios上推特教程
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  • Source: Freepik; Copyright: pressfoto; URL: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/smiling-ethnic-doctor-sitting-desk-office_6766810.htm#page=1&query=doctor%20computer&position=6; License: Licensed by JMIR.

    Consequences of Gift Giving in Online Health Communities on Physician Service Quality: Empirical Text Mining Study

    Authors List:

    • Li Peng  
    • Yanan Wang  
    • Jing Chen  


    Background: Gift giving, which has been a heavily debated topic in health care for many years, is considered as a way of expressing gratitude and to be beneficial for the physician-patient relationship within a reasonable range. However, not much work has been done to examine the influence of gift giving on physicians’ service quality, especially in the online health care environment. Objective: This study addressed the consequences of gift giving by mining and analyzing the dynamic physician-patient interaction processes in an online health community. Specifically, gift types (affective or instrumental) based on the motivations and physician-patient tie strength were carefully considered to account for differences in physicians’ service quality. Methods: The dynamic interaction processes (involving 3154 gifts) between 267 physicians and 14,187 patients from a well-known online health community in China (haodf.com) were analyzed to obtain empirical results. 国内iphone怎么上推特 Our results reveal that patient gift giving inspires physicians to improve their service quality as measured by physicians’ more detailed responses and improved bedside manner, and the degree of influence varied according to the strength of the physician-patient tie. Moreover, affective gifts and instrumental gifts had different effects in improving physicians’ service quality online. 国内苹果怎么上twitter This study is among the first to explore gift giving in online health communities providing both important theoretical and practical contributions. All of our results suggest that gift giving online is of great significance to promoting effective physician-patient communication and is conducive to the relief of physician-patient conflicts.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e18569
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  • Source: Image created by the Authors; Copyright: The Authors; URL: http://www.c59oj8.wcbzw.com/2023/7/e18474/; License: Licensed by JMIR.

    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome on Facebook: Qualitative Descriptive Content Analysis to Guide Prevention Efforts


    • Kelly Pretorius  
    • Eunju Choi  
    • Sookja Kang  
    • Michael Mackert  


    Background: Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), which includes the diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), is a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. Despite prevention efforts, many parents continue to create unsafe infant sleep environments and use potentially dangerous infant sleep and monitoring devices, ultimately leading to sleep-related infant deaths. Analyzing Facebook conversations regarding SIDS may offer a unique maternal perspective to guide future research and prevention efforts. Objective: This study aims to describe and analyze conversations among mothers engaged in discussions about SIDS on a Facebook mother’s group. We were interested in understanding maternal knowledge of SIDS, identifying information sources for SIDS, describing actual infant sleep practices, exploring opinions regarding infant sleep products and monitoring devices, and discovering evidence of provider communication regarding SIDS. Methods: We extracted and analyzed 20 posts and 912 comments from 512 mothers who participated in a specific Facebook mother’s group and engaged in conversations about SIDS. There were 2 reviewers who coded the data using qualitative descriptive content analysis. Themes were induced after discussion among researchers and after the study objectives were addressed. Results: The theme of social support emerged, specifically informational and emotional support. A variety of informational sources for SIDS and safe sleep were identified, as was a continuum of infant sleep practices (ranging from unsafe to safe sleep per the American Academy of Pediatrics standards). There was widespread discussion regarding infant sleep products and monitoring devices. Embedded within conversations were (1) confusion among commonly used medical terminology, (2) the practice of unsafe infant sleep, (3) inconsistency in provider communication about SIDS, and (4) maternal anxiety regarding SIDS. Conclusions: We uncovered new findings in this analysis, such as the commonality of infant sleep products and monitoring devices and widespread maternal anxiety regarding SIDS. Additionally, mothers who participated in the Facebook group provided and received informational and emotional support regarding SIDS via this social media format. Such results can guide future prevention efforts by informing health communication regarding SUID and safe sleep. Future provider and public health agency communication on the topic of SUID and safe sleep should be simple and clear, address infant sleep products and monitoring devices, address maternal anxiety regarding SIDS, and address the common practice of unsafe sleep.

    • J Med Internet Res 2023;22(7):e18474
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    Date Submitted: Jul 29, 2023

    Open Peer Review Period: Jul 29, 2023 - Sep 23, 2023

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    Background: On January 30, 2023, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current novel coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) as a public health emergency of international concern and later characte...

    Background: On January 30, 2023, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current novel coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) as a public health emergency of international concern and later characterized it as a pandemic. Since then the virus has also rapidly spread among Latin American, Caribbean and African countries. Objective: The first aim of this study was to identify new emerging COVID-19 clusters over time and in space in Latin American, Caribbean, and African regions [mostly low and middle-income countries (LMICs)], using a prospective space-time scan measurement approach. The second aim was to assess the impact of real-time population mobility patterns between January 21st to May 18th, under the implemented government interventions, measurements and policy restrictions, on COVID-19 spread, among those regions and globally. Methods: We created a global COVID-19 database merging WHO daily case reports (of 218 countries, regions and territories) with other measures such as population density, country income levels for January 21st to May 15th, 2023. A score of government policy interventions was created ranging from “light”, “intermediate”, and “high”, to “very high” interventions. Prospective space-time scan statistic methods were applied in five time periods between January to May 2023 and a stepped-wedged regression mixed model analysis was used. Results: We found that COVID-19 emerging clusters within these five periods of time grew from 7 emerging clusters to 28 by mid-May. We also detected various increasing and decreasing relative risk estimates of COVID-19 spread among Latin American, Caribbean and African countries within the period of analysis. Globally, as well as regionally (Latin American, Caribbean and Africa), population mobility to parks and similar leisure areas during all the implemented control policies were related with accelerated COVID-19 spread. For countries in Africa, population mobility for work reasons during high and very high levels of implemented control policies were related with increased virus spread. Conclusions: Prospective space-time scan is a measurement approach that LMICs countries could easily use to detect emerging clusters in a timely manner and implement specific control policies and interventions to slow down COVID-19 transmission. In addition, real time population mobility obtained from crowdsourced digital data could be useful for current and future targeted public health and mitigation policies among Latin American, Caribbean and African countries as well as globally.

  • COVID-19: knowledge, awareness and perceived stress among Jordanian healthcare providers

    Date Submitted: Jul 28, 2023

    Open Peer Review Period: Jul 28, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023

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    Background: Given the rapidly escalating number of COVID-19 positive cases and the vital role that the Health Care Provider (HCP) play in the setting of this pandemic. Objective: To measure the levels...

    最佳iPhone / iPad清洁器应用程序:免费清理iOS 13/12上的 ...:垃圾文件和应用程序缓存会降低iPhone的速度,占用大量存储空间并降低iPhone性能。 为了充分利用和加快iPhone的运行速度,在此我伊建议使用最好的iPhone清洁程序,伍帮助您轻松清理iOS 12 / iOS 13设备上的垃圾文件,应用程序缓存,Web cookie,临时文件

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    Date Submitted: Jul 27, 2023

    Open Peer Review Period: Jul 27, 2023 - Sep 21, 2023

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    Background: Symptom descriptions in outpatients with COVID-19 are limited to cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal follow-up of long term symptoms has not been reported. Symptom duration is importa...

    Background: Symptom descriptions in outpatients with COVID-19 are limited to cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal follow-up of long term symptoms has not been reported. Symptom duration is important for patient and provider knowledge in managing outpatient COVID-19. Objective: Describe the presence of symptoms at long term follow-up of patients managed in an outpatient telemedicine program for acute COVID-19. Methods: Chart review of clinical notes for acute COVID-19 and long term follow-up calls. Descriptive analysis were conducted using Wilcoxon rank-sum for continuous variables and chi-square or Fisher’s Exact as appropriate for categorical variables. Results: Minor symptoms were reported by 55 patients (34.8%) and 7 (4.4%) reported major ongoing symptoms at follow-up call. Factors associated with prolonged symptoms include older age, provider reported higher symptom severity at intake visit, and BMI >30. Symptoms which persisted include shortness of breath on exertion, wheeze, nausea, and joint pain. Conclusions: Persistence of symptoms after acute COVID-19 in outpatients is common. Risk factors may help predict which patients are more likely to have prolonged symptoms.

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    Date Submitted: Jul 27, 2023

    Open Peer Review Period: Jul 27, 2023 - Sep 21, 2023

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    Background: Large datasets comprising routine clinical data are becoming increasingly available for use in health research. These datasets contain many clinical variables that might not lend themselve...

    Background: Large datasets comprising routine clinical data are becoming increasingly available for use in health research. These datasets contain many clinical variables that might not lend themselves to use in research. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a statistical technique that might allow for the creation of ‘research friendly’ clinical constructs from these routine clinical variables and therefore could be an appropriate analytic method to apply more widely to routine clinical data. Objective: SEM was applied to a large dataset of routine clinical data developed in East London to model well-established clinical associations. Depression is common among patients with type 2 diabetes, and is associated with poor diabetic control, increased diabetic complications, increased health service utilisation, and increased healthcare costs. Evidence from trial data suggests that integrating psychological treatment into diabetes care can improve health status and reduce costs. Attempting to model these known associations using SEM will test the utility of this technique in routine clinical datasets. Methods: Data were cleaned extensively prior to analysis. SEM was used to investigate associations between depression, diabetic control, diabetic care, mental health treatment, and A&E use in patients with type 2 diabetes. The creation of the latent variables and the direction of association between latent variables in the model was based upon established clinical knowledge. Results: The results provided partial support for the application of SEM to routine clinical data. 19% of patients with type 2 diabetes had received a diagnosis of depression. In line with known clinical associations, depression was associated with worse diabetic control (β = 0.034, p <.0001) and increased A&E use (β = 0.071, p <.0001). However, contrary to expectation, worse diabetic control was associated with lower A&E use (β = -0.055, p <.0001), and receipt of mental health treatment did not impact upon diabetic control (p = 0.392). Receipt of diabetes care was associated with better diabetic control (β = -0.072, p <.0001), having depression (β = 0.018, p = .007), and receiving mental health treatment (β = 0.046, p <.0001), which might suggest that comprehensive integrated care packages are being delivered in East London. Conclusions: Some established clinical associations were successfully modelled in a sample of patients with type 2 diabetes in a way that made clinical sense, providing partial evidence for the utility of SEM in routine clinical data. Several issues relating to data quality emerged. Data improvement would have likely enhanced the utility of SEM in this dataset. Clinical Trial: n/a

  • Safe behaviour in the petrochemical industry: Evaluating the consistency between conceptual frameworks and factors reported by Iranian workers

    Date Submitted: Jul 24, 2023

    Open Peer Review Period: Jul 24, 2023 - Sep 18, 2023

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    Background: Unsafe worker behaviour is often identified as a major cause of dangerous incidents in the petrochemical industry. Behavioural safety models provide frameworks that may help to prevent suc...

    Background: Unsafe worker behaviour is often identified as a major cause of dangerous incidents in the petrochemical industry. Behavioural safety models provide frameworks that may help to prevent such incidents by identifying factors promoting safe or unsafe behaviour. A literature review was conducted to identify models of safe behaviour and determine which were most consistent with the experiences reported by workers in our qualitative study of the Iranian petrochemical industry. Objective: The aims of the current study are to conduct a literature review to identify theoretical models that have been proposed to explain and predict safe behaviour in the workplace between 2000 and 2023 and then select the model that best reflects our findings and other evidence on the factors influencing safe behaviours among petrochemical workers. Methods: Five databases (EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, ProQuest, Science Direct, Scopus) were searched for studies between 2000 and 2023 that evaluated antecedents and outcomes of safe workplace behaviours in the petrochemical industry or other industrial settings. After duplications were removed, 141 publications were screened and 31 that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. Constructs described in each publication were assessed for consistency with themes derived from the interview responses from Iranian petrochemical workers in the qualitative study: poor direct safety management and supervision; unsafe workplace conditions; workers' perceptions, skills and training; and broader organisational factors. Results: The themes identified in the qualitative study most closely matched those in the model described by Wu et al. (2011): poor direct safety management and supervision matched with safety leadership and several subscales; unsafe workplace conditions matched with several subscales; workers' perceptions, skills and training matched with two subscales, and broader organisational factors matched with two other subscales. The model selected was the one that included the most constructs matching the themes identified in the qualitative study. Conclusions: Valid behavioural safety models can provide a basis for more effective safety cultures and management systems in selected contexts. This study identified most consistency between themes elicited from Iranian petrochemical workers and the constructs described by Wu et al. (2011), providing evidence of the validity of their model. Intervention studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of safety models in improving safe behaviours in industrial settings. Clinical Trial: Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials: IRCT20170515033981N2. Retrospectively Registered 19 June 2018, http://www.irct.ir/trial/26107

  • Diet, nutrition, obesity and the prevention of COVID-19

    Date Submitted: Jul 21, 2023

    Open Peer Review Period: Jul 21, 2023 - Aug 5, 2023

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    Background: Background: Nutrition is not a treatment for COVID-19, but it is a modifiable contributor to the development of chronic disease, which is highly associated with COVID-19 severe illness and...

    Background: Background: Nutrition is not a treatment for COVID-19, but it is a modifiable contributor to the development of chronic disease, which is highly associated with COVID-19 severe illness and deaths. A well-balanced diet and healthy patterns of eating strengthens the immune system, improve immunometabolism, and reduces the risk of chronic disease and infectious diseases. Objective: Objective: This study aims to assess the effect of diet, nutrition, and obesity in preventing COVID-19 among 188 countries by using new statistical marginalized two-part (mTP) models. Methods: Methods: For this, we globally evaluate the distribution of diet and nutrition in national level with considering the varieties between different who regions. The effects of food supply categories and obesities, as well as associations, on/with the number of deaths and the number of recovers, reported globally by estimating coefficients and conducting the color maps. Results: Results: Findings show that more consume of Eggs, Cereals Excluding Beer, Spices, and Stimulants had the greatest impact on the recovery of patients with COVID-19. In addition, more consume of Meat, Vegetal products, Sugar & Sweeteners, Sugar crops, Animal fats, and Animal products were associated with more death and less recovery in patients. The effect of consuming sugar products on mortality is very considerable, while Obesity has affected in more deaths and fewer recovery rates. Conclusions: Conclusions: Although there are differences in pattern diets across the world, overall, unbalanced diets are a health threat across the globe and not just affecting death rates but also the quality of life. To achieve best results in preventing nutrition-related pandemic diseases, strategies and policies should fully recognize the essential role of both diet and obesity in determining good nutrition and optimal health. Policies and programs must address the need for change at the individual level as well as the modifications in society and the environment to make healthier choices accessible and preferable.

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